
From Wubbypedia

Visitor+[edit | edit source]

Command Description
cmds Opens a command list
rejoin Rejoins whoever ran this command
notepad Opens a GUI that allows you to write anything in it.

Builder+[edit | edit source]

Command Arguments Description
blind [player] Makes [player] unable to see
blur [player] (size) Blurs [player]'s screen by (size) amount
bring [player] Teleports [player] to whoever ran this command
burn [player] (damage) (showEffect) Sets [player] on fire, taking (damage) every second. Setting (showEffect) to false makes the fire invisible
cameraoffset [player] [offset] Offsets [player]'s camera to [offset]
camerashake [player] [time] [force] Shakes [player]'s camera for [time] seconds with a force of [force]
clip [player] Stops [player] from walking through walls
damage/dmg [player] (amount) Decreases [player]'s health by (amount)
disablefreecam [player] Disables freecam for [player]
explode/exp [player]/[coordinates] Explodes [player]/[coordinates], the explosion might move nearby objects
fix/removeeffects [player] Removes every single effect applied to [player] (blur, fov, blindness, etc.)
fling [player] (amount) Flings [player] at a speed of (amount)
fly [player] Makes [player] fly
flyspeed [player] (amount) Sets [player]'s flying speed to (amount)
fov/fieldofview [player] (fov) Sets [player]'s field of view to (fov)
freecamstiff [player] [velStiff] [panStiff] Sets [player]'s freecam velocity stiffness to [velstiff] and its pan stiffness to [panstiff]
freeze/anchor [player] Freezes [player], [player] wont be able to move
ghost/gh [player] Turns [player] into a ghost
god [player] Makes [player] invincible from all damage (unless killed)
gyro [player] Prevents [player] from changing orientation
heal [player] (amount) Increases [player]'s health by (amount) OR sets it to the [player]'s maxhealth if (amount) is not specified
highlight [player] (brickcolor) Makes [player] visible through walls with the color (brickcolor)
invisible/inv/invis/hide [player] (isVisible) Makes [player] invisible, if (isVisible) is "false", the player won't be able to see themselves
jump [player] Forces [player] to jump
jumppower [player] (amount) Changes [player]'s jumppower to (amount)
kill/die [player] Kills [player]
lightning/smite/thunder [player] Summons Zeus and throws a lightning bolt at [player]
magnet [player] (amount) Attracts every single player to [player] with a force of (amount)
maxhealth [player] (amount) Sets [player]'s maximum health to (amount)
message/m/msg/shout/announce (message) Displays (message) in every player's screen
noclip [player] Allows [player] to walk through walls.
mute [player] Disables [player]'s ability to talk, Only works for permissions below you. (Builder cannot mute Admins+)
nuke [player]/[coordinates] Places a nuke in [player]/[coordinates]
removelimbs [player] Removes [player]'s limbs
respawn [player] Respawns [player], Basically removes the [player]'s character and places it where it was
sit/trip [player] Forces [player] to sit
sparkles/sparkle [player] (color) Gives [player] some sparkles with the color (color)
team name/teamsname [teamName] [newName] Changes [teamName]'s name to [newName]
team set/teams set [player] [teamName] Sets [player]'s team to [teamName]
time [time] Sets the world time to [time]
to/tp/teleport (player) (player2)/(coordinates) If no parameters are entered, this command will teleport whoever ran this command to their mouse position. If (player) is entered, this command will teleport whoever ran this command to (player). If (player) and (player2) are entered, this command will teleport (player) to (player2). If (coordinates) are entered, this command will teleport whoever ran this command to (coordinates).
trail [player] (color) Puts a trail in [player], its color will be (color)
unblind [player] Makes [player] able to see again
unblur [player] Unblurs [player]'s screen
unfly [player] Removes [player]'s ability to fly
unfreeze/thaw/unanchor [player] Unfreezes [player]
ungod [player] Makes [player] vulnerable to damage
ungyro [player] Allows [player] to change orientation again
unhighlight [player] Removes [player]'s highlight
unmagnet [player] Removes [player]'s magnet
unmute [player] Allows [player] to talk again.
visible/vis [player] Makes [player] visible again
walkspeed/speed [player] (amount) Changes [player]'s walkspeed to (amount)

Admin+[edit | edit source]

Command Arguments Description
ban [player] Prevents [player] from joining the game with the reason (reason)
kick [player] (reason) Kicks [player] with the reason (reason)
stat/stats add [statName] Creates a new stat with the name [statName]
stat/stats name [statName] [newName] Changes [statName]'s name to [newName]
stat/stats remove [statName] Removes the stat under the name [statName]
stat/stats set [statName] [player] (value) Sets [player]'s [statName] value to (value)
stat/stats visible [statName] (isVisible) Toggles the visibility of [statName], if (isVisible) is "false", [statName] will not be shown on the playerlist
team/teams add [teamName] (teamColor) Creates a new team with the name [teamName] and the color (teamColor). If (teamColor) is not specified, the team will be created with a random color
team/teams autoassign [teamName] (isEnabled) Sets if new players should be automatically assigned to [teamName] or not. If there are multiple teams with this setting enabled, the player will be assigned to the team with the least players
team/teams color [teamName] [teamColor] Changes [teamName]'s color to (teamColor)
team/teams remove [teamName] Removes the team under the name [teamName]
unban [player] Allows [player] to join the game

Creator+[edit | edit source]

Command Arguments Description
removeduplicates - Removes every block that has the same size, rotation and position as another block

Staff+[edit | edit source]

Command Arguments Description
globalban [player] [reason] Permanently bans [player] from Wubby with [reason]
globaltempban [player] [duration] [reason] Temporarily bans [player] from Wubby for [duration] days with [reason]
globalunban [player] Unbans [player] from Wubby
globalbakeban [player] [reason] Variant of globalban that bans a player before they play Wubby for the first time
putonreview - Puts a world under review until Hazel approves it
feature - Toggles if a world will appear on the featured tab or not
clearworlddata - Deletes every block in the world.
incognito [toggle] Toggles whether incognito will be active in the next session. In incognito mode, the player is completely invisible to anyone else, including in leaderboards.
showdesc - Unused command for debugging purposes. It shows all the descendants that the player is pointing at.