
From Wubbypedia

Zones are areas in your world that do something when a player goes inside of them. The changes only apply to the players inside the zone.

It allows whitelisted player(s) to build inside the zone. Nothing can be built outside of the zone.

  • Whitelist: The player(s) that can build in the zone.
    • Players in a Build Zone have far less priveliges than a regular Builder by default. For example, they cannot use Commands.

Any player walking in this zone will hear the music of your choice. Any player walking out will stop hearing it.


The descriptions are taken from the roblox documentation.

  • Echo Delay: The amount of time between echoes.
  • Echo Dry Level: The output volume of the original sound.
  • Echo Enabled: Decides if the echo effect is enabled.
  • Echo Feedback: The echo decay every time the echo plays.
  • Echo Wet Level: The output volume of the echoed effect.

  • Pitch Shift Enabled: Decides if the pitch shift effect is enabled.
  • Octave: The percentage to shift the original pitch.

  • Reverb Decay Time: Sets how long it takes for the reverberating echoes to fade out completely.
  • Reverb Density: Controls how many reflections are generated.
  • Reverb Diffusion: Controls how smooth and reflective the simulated surfaces are.
  • Reverb Dry Level: The output volume of the original sound.
  • Reverb Enabled: Decides if the reverb effect is enabled.
  • Reverb Wet Level: The output volume of the echoed effect.

  • Playback Speed: How fast the audio's playback will be.
  • Sound ID: The asset ID of the sound.
  • Volume: How loud the sound will be.

Players inside this zone will recieve a forcefield.

  • Forcefield Visible: Decided if the Forcefield can be seen.

Players inside this zone will have settings related to physics changed (gravity, etc.)

  • Applied Impulse: The applied force that parts get.
  • Go To Point: The position where parts are pushed/pulled to (like a black hole).
  • Go To Point Enabled: Decided if Go To Point is enabled.
  • Go To Point Force: The amount of force that Go To Point exerts.
  • Gravity: The gravity to apply parts to.

Players inside this zone will have settings related to the world's environment changed (world time, fog, etc.)


Some parts are taken from the Roblox documentation and the Roblox fandom wiki.

  • Color Brightness: Determines by how much the colors of pixels will be shifted. A value of -1 will cause all pixels to be completely black while a value of 1 will cause them to be white.
  • Color Contrast: Determines the separation between the dark and light colors. Values less than 0 have reduced contrast while values greater than 0 have increased contrast.
  • Color Saturation: Determines the change in intensity of pixel colors. Values above 1 will cause colors to be more vivid while values below 0 will make colors more dull, eventually reaching full desaturation at -1.
  • Color Tint: Determines by what factors the RGB channels of pixel colors are scaled. The effect is multiplicative, so changing this to [255, 0, 0] (red) would cause the green and blue channels to be multiplied by 0.

  • Fog Color: Changes the color for the fog.
  • Fog End: The point where the fog cannot be seen past.
  • Fog Start: The point where the fog is first visible.

  • Ambient: The lighting hue applied to areas that are occluded from the sky, such as indoor areas.
  • Brightness: Changes the brightness of the world.
  • Clock Time: Changes the time of the world.
  • Exposure: Determines the exposure compensation amount which applies a bias to the exposure level of the scene prior to the tonemap step. Defaults to 0.
  • Geographic latitude: The geographic latitude, in degrees, of the scene, influencing the result of Lighting time on the position of the sun and moon.
  • Shadows Enabled: Enables if shadows appear or not.
  • Outdoor Ambient: The lighting hue applied to outdoor areas.

  • Celestial Bodies: Sets whether the sun, moon, and stars will show.
  • Moon Size: Changes the size of the moon.
  • Moon Texture: Changes the texture of the moon.
  • Skybox Back: Changes the texture for the back of the skybox.
  • Skybox Bottom: Changes the texture for the bottom of the skybox.
  • Skybox Front: Changes the texture for the front of the skybox.
  • Skybox Left: Changes the texture for the left of the skybox.
  • Skybox Right: Changes the texture for the right of the skybox.
  • Skybox Top: Changes the texture for the top of the skybox.
  • Star Count: Changes how many stars will be visible at night.
  • Sun Size: Changes the size of the sun.
  • Sun Texture: Changes the texture of the sun.
  • Use Skybox: Changes the skybox settings when checked.

  • Change Water: Changes the water settings when checked.
  • Water Color: Changes the color of water.
  • Water Reflectance: Changes the reflection of water.
  • Water Transparency: Changes the transparency of water.
  • Water Wave Size: Changes the size of the waves of water.
  • Water Wave Speed: Changes the speed of the waves of water.

Players inside this zone will have settings related to the player's camera changed (camera offset, camera position, etc.).

  • Camera Offset: Offsets the camera.
  • Field of View: Changes the player's FOV.
  • Camera Position Locking: Locks the camera's position and rotation at their desired axes if they're not 0.
  • Camera Rotation: Rotates the camera.
  • Look at player: Makes the camera focus on the player instead.
  • Max Zoom Distance: Changes the maximum zoom distance.
  • Min Zoom Distance: Changes the minimum zoom distance.
  • Blur: Blurs the player's vision