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Attributes (WIP, HIRING)

This page is a work-in-progress and may contain user notes.
You can help by finishing it.

Attribute Name Description Preview
Baller Makes the player roll when touched. -
Beam Sets a trail between two blocks. -
BlockTeleporter Teleports unanchored blocks to a specified destination when triggered. -
Damager Damages players at a specified rate and cooldown. -
Decal, Texture Allows pasting images onto blocks for customizing the environment. -
Effect Emits a specified particle effect from the block. -
GravityChanger Alters the block's gravity. -
Healer Heals players at a specified rate and cooldown. -
Highlight Highlights a block, making it stand out from others. -
JumpPower Modifies the player's jumping power. -
Killer Instantly kills players upon touch. -
LockPosition Fixes the current position of the block. -
LockRotation Locks the current rotation of the block. -
Maxhealth Alters the player's maximum health. -
NoCollision Allows the block to have no collision with other objects. -
PathModifier Modifies the path of every NPC in the world. -
PointLight Adds a light source to the block. -
Prismatic Creates a rigid joint between two Blocks, allowing them to slide along one axis but

not rotate.

Rod Creates a rod-like connection between two blocks. -
Rope Attaches a rope between two blocks. -
Sign Displays a text GUI when hovered. -
Spotlight Emits light in a specific direction. -
Spring Adds spring-like behavior between two blocks. -
StatTeleporter Teleports players based on whether they meet a certain stat requirement or not. -
Surfaces Alters a block's surfaces for a specific side. -
SurfaceLight Adds light to a specific side of the block. -
Teamer Sets the player to another team upon touch. -
Teleporter Teleports players between two points. -
Thrust Applies a force or thrust to the block. -
Tripper Makes the player sit down. -
WalkSpeed Adjusts the player's walking speed. -
Weld Connects two parts when unanchored. -