
From Wubbypedia
Revision as of 12:30, 22 April 2024 by RickGotTaken (talk | contribs) (After many days, this page is finally finished. (Apart from the dashes, they still need to be filled in.) (Along with the MaxHealth preview, that's just a placeholder too.))
Attributes (WIP, HIRING)

This page is a work-in-progress and may contain user notes.
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Attribute Name Description Preview


Forces the target into a ball where they roll around.


Property Name Type Description
Controllable Bool Determines if a player can control where the ball rolls.
Color Color If the "Use Random Color" property is false, the ball will always be this color.
Affect Enum Determines if the block can ball players, NPCs, or everyone.
Unballer Bool If true, then the block will act as an unballer, removing the ball of anyone coming in contact.
Use Random Color Bool If true, the ball will be a random color. This overrides the "Color" property.


Sets a trail between two blocks.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Face Camera Bool If false, the beam's rotation will not change alongside your camera's.
Texture Length Number If Texture is set, this property will change how stretched the texture is.
Width 1 Number Will change how wide the texture is when coming out of the block with the attribute, if this value is not the same as Width 2 it will create a transition from Width 1 to Width 2.
Color Color Changes the color of the beam.
Texture Speed Number If Texture is set, this property will change how fast the texture is moving.
Curve Amount X Number Dysfunctional.
Curve Amount Y Number Dysfunctional.
Light Influence Number Changes how much the sun and shading can influence the appearance of the beam.
Transparency String

You can use greater than signs to make it change transparency over-distance! e.g: 0>0.5>1

Changes how opaque the beam is.

Segments Number If Texture is set & Texture Mode is not stretch, this property will change how many copies of the texture there are. Dysfunctional.
Width 2 Number Will change how wide the texture is when coming out of the block without the attribute, if this value is not the same as Width 1 it will create a transition from Width 2 to Width 1.
Light Emission Number Emits a very tiny amount of light from the block with the attribute. If Texture is set, it will make the texture brighter. Does nothing past 1.
Brightness Number Dysfunctional.
Texture Mode Enum
  • Stretch: Overrides Segments and forces 1. Segments is dysfunctional, so this is the only way to have 1.
  • Static: No apparent difference from Wrap.
  • Wrap: No apparent difference from Static.
Texture String Replaces the square with an Image of your choice which moves.


Teleports unanchored blocks to a specified destination when triggered.


Property Name Type Description
Delay Number How long before the block teleports.
Keep Velocity Bool If the block keeps it's momentum after teleportation.


Damages players at a specified rate and cooldown.


Property Name Type Description
Affect Enum
  • Players: Only damages Players.
  • NPCs: Only damages NPCs.
  • Everything: Damages both Players and NPCs.
Cooldown Number How long before the affected can be damaged again.
Amount Number How much the affected get damaged.


Allows pasting images onto blocks for customizing the environment.


Property Name Type Description
Face Enum
  • Top: Displays the decal on the top.
  • Bottom: Displays the decal on the bottom.
  • Left: Displays the decal on the left.
  • Right: Displays the decal on the right.
  • Front: Displays the decal on the front.
  • Back: Displays the decal on the back.
Transparency Number Changes how opaque the decal is.
Color Color Changes the color of the decal.
Texture String An Image of your choice.


Emits a specified particle effect from the block.


Property Name Type Description
Shape Style Enum
  • Volume: Comes Shape In Out from of a random position inside the block.
  • Surface: Comes Shape In Out from Emission Direction from the block.
Color Color Changes the color of the texture.
Drag Number How much force is applied to the texture in the opposite of Emission Direction.
Flipbook Start Random Bool If Flipbook Layout is not None, then this will make the flipbook start on a random frame and continue animating from that frame.
Change Over Time Number How slow time is moving for the texture.
Light Influence Number Changes how much sun and shading can influence the appearance of the texture.
Velocity Inheritance Number How much speed the next texture gains from the last texture
Locked To Part Bool If true, the texture will follow the block's X and Z coordinates.
Squash Text

You can use greater than signs to make it change squash overtime! e.g: 0>0.5>1

Changes the width of the texture

Speed Number Different from Change Over Time, this does not control how fast the flipbook is moving or the rate of the texture spawning.
Brightness Number Dysfunctional.
Flipbook Layout Enum
  • None: Regular texture, no flipbook.
  • Grid2x2: All images in the flipbook are on a 2x2 grid.
  • Grid4x4: All images in the flipbook are on a 4x4 grid.
  • Grid8x8: All images in the flipbook are on a 8x8 grid.
Size Text

You can use greater than signs to make it change size overtime! e.g: 0>0.5>1

How big the texture is.

Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Flipbook Mode Enum
  • OneShot: Animates until the end of the flipbook texture and then stops animating.
  • Loop: Animates forever.
  • PingPong: Animates until the end of the flipbook, then reverses and animates backwards until the start of the flipbook in a loop forever.
  • Random: This overrides Flipbook Start Random. Starts on a random frame and animates to other random frames forever.
Rotation Speed Number How fast the texture rotates every second.
Acceleration Vector3 How fast the texture accelerates.
Flipbook Framerate Number How fast the flipbook animates.
Shape In Out Enum
  • Outward: Makes the texture come out the Emission Direction.
  • Inward: Makes the texture come in from the Emission Direction.
  • InAndOut: Makes the texture come in from the Emission Direction and out from the Emission Direction.
Rate Number How many copies of the texture spawn every 30 seconds.
Texture Number The image used for the effect.
Emission Direction Enum
  • Top: Makes the effect come Shape In Out from the top.
  • Bottom: Makes the effect come Shape In Out from the bottom.
  • Left: Makes the effect come Shape In Out from the left.
  • Right: Makes the effect come Shape In Out from the right.
  • Front: Makes the effect come Shape In Out from the front.
  • Back: Makes the effect come Shape In Out from the back.
Transparency Number

You can use the greater than signs to make it change transparency overtime! e.g: 0>0.5>1

Changes how opaque the texture is.

Spread Angle Text How much the effect moves away from the block.
Rotation Number The rotation when the texture spawns.
Light Emission Number Emits a very tiny amount of light from the block with the attribute. Makes the texture brighter. Does nothing past 1.
Lifetime Number How many seconds before the texture gets deleted.
Shape Enum
  • Box: Spawns anywhere on a box.
  • Cylinder: Spawns anywhere on a cylinder.
  • Disc: Spawns anywhere on a disc.
  • Sphere: Spawns anywhere on a sphere.
Orientation Enum
  • FacingCamera: Makes the texture face the camera.
  • VelocityParallel: Makes the texture face parallel to it's velocity.
  • FacingCameraWorldUp: Makes it only turn to face your camera instead of turning and tilting.
  • VelocityPerpendicular: Makes the texture face perpendicular to it's velocity.


Emits fire from the block.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Height Number How tall the fire is.
Color Color The color of the fire.
Secondary Color Color The color of the smoke.
Change Over Time Number How slow time is moving for the fire.
Size Number How big the fire is.


Alters the block's gravity.


Property Name Type Description
Gravity Number How floaty the block is.


Heals players at a specified rate and cooldown.


Property Name Type Description
Set To Maximum Bool Overrides Amount and makes the player heal fully.
Affect Enum
  • Players: Only heals Players.
  • NPCs: Only heals NPCs.
  • Everything: Heals both Players and NPCs.
Cooldown Number How long before the affected can be damaged again.
Amount Number Overridden by Set To Maximum, how much the affected get healed.


Highlights a block, making it stand out from others.


Property Name Type Description
Fill Color Color The color within the outline.
Outline Transparency Number Changes how opaque the outline is.
Depth Mode Enum
  • AlwaysOnTop: Makes the highlight always visible.
  • Occluded: Makes the fill only visible if nothing is in the way, and the outline bends around any blockage.
Outline Color Color The color of the line surrounding the block as if it were 2D.
Fill Transparency Number Changes how opaque the fill is.


Modifies the player's jumping power.


Property Name Type Description
Jump Power Number Changes how much force the player exerts up when jumping.
Affect Enum
  • Players: Only changes the JumpPower of Players.
  • NPCs: Only changes the JumpPower of NPCs.
  • Everything: Changes the JumpPower of both Players and NPCs.


Instantly kills players upon touch.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Affect Enum
  • Players: Only kills Players.
  • NPCs: Only kills NPCs.
  • Everything: Kills both Players and NPCs.


Locks the current position of the block to another block.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Radius Number How big the spheres surrounding both blocks are. If Visible is false, the spheres will be invisible.
Twist Lower Angle Number -
Color Color The color of the spheres surrounding both blocks. If Visible is false, the spheres will be invisible.
Upper Angle Number -
Twist Upper Angle Number -
Restitution Number -
Twist Limits Enabled Bool Overrides Twist Lower Angle and Twist Upper Angle and disables them.
Visible Bool If the spheres surrounding both blocks are visible. If Visible is false, the spheres will be invisible.
Limits Enabled Bool Overrides Upper Angle and disables it.


Locks the current rotation of the block.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.


Alters the player's maximum health.


Property Name Type Description
Operation Type Enum
  • Set: Sets Affected's MaxHealth.
  • Add: Adds to Affected's MaxHealth.
  • Subtract: Subtracts from Affected's MaxHealth.
Affect Enum
  • Players: Only changes the MaxHealth of Players.
  • NPCs: Only changes the MaxHealth of NPCs.
  • Everything: Changes the MaxHealth of both Players and NPCs.
Cooldown Number How long before the affected can have their MaxHealth changed again.
Health Number How much the affected have their MaxHealth changed by/set to.


Allows the block to have no collision with other objects.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.


Modifies the path of every NPC in the world.


Property Name Type Description
Pass Through Bool Makes the NPC ignore block collisions inside the block (including the block itself).
Prevent NPC Stop Bool Makes the NPC ignore the block's collisions.
Avoidance Level Enum
  • NoAvoidance: An NPC would pick this path over LowAvoidance, MediumAvoidance and HighAvoidance.
  • LowAvoidance: An NPC would rather pick NoAvoidance, but would pick this over MediumAvoidance and HighAvoidance.
  • MediumAvoidance: An NPC would rather pick NoAvoidance or LowAvoidance, but would pick this over HighAvoidance.
  • HighAvoidance: An NPC would rather pick NoAvoidance, LowAvoidance or MediumAvoidance, but if it has to it will path on HighAvoidance.


Adds a light source to the block.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Shadows Bool If the light it produces is affected by shadows.
Color Color The color of the light.
Brightness Number How bright the light is.
Size Number How far the light reaches.


Creates a rigid joint between two Blocks, allowing them to slide along one axis but not rotate.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Color Color The color of the cuboids in both blocks. If Visible is false, the cuboids will be invisible.
Lower Limit Number -
Upper Limit Number -
Restitution Number -
Visible Bool If the cuboids in both blocks are visible. If Visible is false, the cuboids will be invisible.
Limits Enabled Bool Overrides Upper Angle and Lower Angle and disables it.
Size Number How big the cuboids in both blocks are. If Visible is false, the cuboids will be invisible.


Creates a rod-like connection between two blocks.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Color Color The color of the line connecting both blocks. If Visible is false, the line will be invisible.
Limit Angle 2 Number -
Thickness Number How big the line connecting both blocks is. If Visible is false, the line will be invisible.
Visible Bool If the line connecting both blocks is visible. If Visible is false, the line will be invisible.
Length Number How big the distance between the block with the attribute and the block without it.
Limits Enabled Bool Overrides Limit Angle 1 and Limit Angle 2 and disables them.
Limit Angle 1 Number -


Attaches a rope between two blocks.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Restitution Number -
Color Color The color of the line connecting both blocks. If Visible is false, the line will be invisible.
Length Number The maximum distance between the block with the attribute and the block without it.
Visible Bool If the line connecting both blocks is visible. If Visible is false, the line will be invisible.
Thickness Number How big the line connecting both blocks is. If Visible is false, the line will be invisible.


Displays a text GUI when hovered.


Property Name Type Description
Text Color Color The color of the text.
Text Stroke Color Color The color of the outline of the text.
Sign Text Text The text that displays on the sign.
Font Enum
  • Legacy: Changes the typeface to Arial.
  • Arial: Changes the typeface to Arial.
  • ArialBold: Changes the typeface to Arial and font to Bold.
  • SourceSans: Changes the typeface to Source Sans.
  • SourceSansBold: Changes the typeface to Source Sans and font to Bold.
  • SourceSansSemiBold: Changes the typeface to Source Sans and font to Semi Bold.
  • SourceSansLight: Changes the typeface to Source Sans and font to Light.
  • SourceSansItalic: Changes the typeface to Source Sans and font to Italic.
  • Bodoni: Changes the typeface to Bodoni.
  • Garamond: Changes the typeface to Garamond.
  • Cartoon: Changes the typeface to Cartoon.
  • Code: Changes the typeface to Code.
  • Highway: Changes the typeface to Highway.
  • SciFi: Changes the typeface to SciFi.
  • Arcade: Changes the typeface to Arcade.
  • Fantasy: Changes the typeface to Fantasy.
  • Antique: Changes the typeface to Antique.
  • Gotham: Changes the typeface to Gotham.
  • GothamBold: Changes the typeface to Gotham and font to Bold.
  • GothamMedium: Changes the typeface to Gotham and font to Medium.
  • GothamBlack: Changes the typeface to Gotham and font to Black.
  • AmaticSC: Changes the typeface to Amatic SC.
  • Bangers: Changes the typeface to Bangers.
  • Creepsters: Changes the typeface to Creepsters.
  • DenkOne: Changes the typeface to Denk One.
  • Fondamento: Changes the typeface to Fondamento.
  • FredokaOne: Changes the typeface to Fredoka One.
  • GrenzeGotisch: Changes the typeface to Grenze Gotisch.
  • IndieFlower: Changes the typeface to Indie Flower.
  • JoesfinSans: Changes the typeface to Joesfin Sans.
  • Jura: Changes the typeface to Jura.
  • Kalam: Changes the typeface to Kalam.
  • LuckiestGuy: Changes the typeface to Luckiest Guy.
  • Merriweather: Changes the typeface to Merriweather.
  • Michroma: Changes the typeface to Michroma.
  • Nunito: Changes the typeface to Nunito.
  • Oswald: Changes the typeface to Oswald.
  • PatrickHand: Changes the typeface to Patrick Hand.
  • PermanentMarker: Changes the typeface to Permanent Marker.
  • Roboto: Changes the typeface to Roboto.
  • RobotoCondensed: Changes the typeface to Roboto and font to Condensed.
  • RobotoMono: Changes the typeface to Roboto and font to Mono.
  • Sarpanch: Changes the typeface to Sarpanch.
  • SpecialElite: Changes the typeface to Special Elite.
  • TitilliumWeb: Changes the typeface to Titillium Web.
  • Ubuntu: Changes the typeface to Ubuntu.
Text Stroke Transparency Number How opaque the text outline is.
Text Transparency Number How opaque the text is.
Automatic Size Bool Overrides TextSize and bases the text's size off of how long it is.
TextSize Number Overridden by Automatic Size, how big the text is.


Emits smoke from the block.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Change Over Time Number How slow time is moving for the smoke.
Color Color Changes the color of the smoke.
Transparency Number Changes how opaque the smoke is.
Rise Velocity Number Different from Change Over Time, this does not control the rate of the smoke spawning.
Size Number How big the smoke is.


Emits sparkles from the block.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Color Color Changes the color of the sparkles.
Change Over Time Number How slow time is moving for the sparkles.


Emits light in a specific direction.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Shadows Bool If the light it produces is affected by shadows.
Face Enum
  • Top: Emits the light from the top.
  • Bottom: Emits the light from the bottom.
  • Left: Emits the light from the left.
  • Right: Emits the light from the right.
  • Front: Emits the light from the front.
  • Back: Emits the light from the back.
Color Color The color of the light.
Angle Size Number How wide of an angle the light can travel.
Size Number How far the light reaches.
Brightness Number How bright the light is.


Adds spring-like behavior between two blocks.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Max Force Number The maximum force the block without the attribute can exert.
Color Color The color of the spring.
Max Length Number The maximum distance between the block with the attribute and the block without it.
Thickness Number How big the squiggly line connecting both blocks is. If Visible is false, the line will be invisible.
Visible Bool If the squiggly line connecting both blocks is visible. If Visible is false, the line will be invisible.
Limits Enabled Bool Overrides Max Length and Min Length and disables them.
Stiffness Number How much force the block without the attribute will use to get close to the one with the attribute.
Damping Number -
Free Length Number -
Min Length Number The minimum distance between the block with the attribute and the block without it.


Teleports players based on whether they meet a certain stat requirement or not.


Property Name Type Description
Stat Required Bool The amount of stat that if Check Type will allow the player to teleport.
Delay Number The amount of time that will pass before the player actually teleports.
Stat Text The stat name of the stat you want to check for.
Keep Velocity Bool Whether the player keeps their velocity after teleporting or not.
Check Type Enum
  • EQUAL TO: Checks if the player has the exact amount of Stat Required.
  • BIGGER THAN: Checks if the player has more and only more than Stat Required.
  • SMALLER THAN: Checks if the player has less and only less than Stat Required.
  • BIGGER OR EQUAL: Checks if the player has more or the exact amount of Stat Required.
  • SMALLER OR EQUAL: Checks if the player has less or the exact amount of Stat Required.
  • NOT EQUAL TO: Checks if the player has any value other than Stat Required.
  • INCLUDES: Checks if the player's stat value contains Stat Required.
  • EXCLUDES: Checks if the player's stat value does not contain Stat Required.


Alters a block's surfaces for a specific side.


Property Name Type Description
Back Surface Enum
  • Glue: Makes the back surface glue.
  • Inlet: Makes the back surface inlet.
  • Smooth: Makes the back surface smooth.
  • Studs: Makes the back surface studs.
  • Universal: Makes the back surface universal.
  • Weld: Makes the back surface weld.
Bottom Surface Enum
  • Glue: Makes the back surface glue.
  • Inlet: Makes the back surface inlet.
  • Smooth: Makes the back surface smooth.
  • Studs: Makes the back surface studs.
  • Universal: Makes the back surface universal.
  • Weld: Makes the back surface weld.
Top Surface Enum
  • Glue: Makes the back surface glue.
  • Inlet: Makes the back surface inlet.
  • Smooth: Makes the back surface smooth.
  • Studs: Makes the back surface studs.
  • Universal: Makes the back surface universal.
  • Weld: Makes the back surface weld.
Right Surface Enum
  • Glue: Makes the back surface glue.
  • Inlet: Makes the back surface inlet.
  • Smooth: Makes the back surface smooth.
  • Studs: Makes the back surface studs.
  • Universal: Makes the back surface universal.
  • Weld: Makes the back surface weld.
Front Surface Enum
  • Glue: Makes the back surface glue.
  • Inlet: Makes the back surface inlet.
  • Smooth: Makes the back surface smooth.
  • Studs: Makes the back surface studs.
  • Universal: Makes the back surface universal.
  • Weld: Makes the back surface weld.
Left Surface Enum
  • Glue: Makes the back surface glue.
  • Inlet: Makes the back surface inlet.
  • Smooth: Makes the back surface smooth.
  • Studs: Makes the back surface studs.
  • Universal: Makes the back surface universal.
  • Weld: Makes the back surface weld.


Adds light to a specific side of the block.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Shadows Bool If the light it produces is affected by shadows.
Face Enum
  • Top: Emits the light from the top.
  • Bottom: Emits the light from the bottom.
  • Left: Emits the light from the left.
  • Right: Emits the light from the right.
  • Front: Emits the light from the front.
  • Back: Emits the light from the back.
Color Color The color of the light.
Angle Size Number How wide of an angle the light can travel.
Size Number How far the light reaches.
Brightness Number How bright the light is.


Sets the player to another team upon touch.


Property Name Type Description
Team Name Text The team name of the team.


Teleports players between two points.


Property Name Type Description
Delay Number The amount of time that will pass before the Affected actually teleport.
Affect Enum
  • Players: Only teleports Players.
  • NPCs: Only teleports NPCs.
  • Everything: Teleports both Players and NPCs.
Keep Velocity Bool Whether the Affected keep their velocity after teleporting or not.


Allows pasting tileable images onto blocks for customizing the environment.


Property Name Type Description
Offset Studs X Number How offset the texture is in studs on the X axis.
Offset Studs Y Number How offset the texture is in studs on the Y axis.
Face Enum
  • Top: Displays the texture on the top.
  • Bottom: Displays the texture on the bottom.
  • Left: Displays the texture on the left.
  • Right: Displays the texture on the right.
  • Front: Displays the texture on the front.
  • Back: Displays the texture on the back.
Studs Per Tile Y Number How many studs before the image tiles again on the Y axis.
Transparency Number How opaque the texture is.
Color Color The color of the texture.
Studs Per Tile X Number How many studs before the image tiles again on the X axis.


Applies a force or thrust to the block.


Property Name Type Description
Location Vector3 -
Force Vector3 -


Makes the player sit down.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.
Affect Enum
  • Players: Only trips Players.
  • NPCs: Only trips NPCs.
  • Everything: Trips both Players and NPCs.


Adjusts the player's walking speed.


Property Name Type Description
Speed Number How fast Affected walks.
Affect Enum
  • Players: Only trips Players.
  • NPCs: Only trips NPCs.
  • Everything: Trips both Players and NPCs.


Teleports players into different worlds.


Property Name Type Description
Transfer Variable Text What Player Event Block WarpInfoRecieved outputs when someone joins through the warp.
Confirmation Enabled Bool Whether players have to press a green checkmark to warp or not.
Warp Animation Enabled Bool Whether players are shown a warp animation or not.
World ID Number What World players are sent to.


Connects two parts when unanchored.


Property Name Type Description
Enabled Bool If false, the attribute will not do anything.